17 April 2015

Service Delivery Transformation in the Public Service

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Bruce McGregor is the Executive Director Customer Service at the Queensland Building; Construction Commission (QBCC). This includes managing the customer experience across all service channels including digital, social, retail; a 24x7 Contact Centre operation. Recently Bruce McGregor sat down with Loan Kiss the Conference Producer for Akolade’s Service Delivery Transformation Conference, coming to Sydney on 10-12 June 2015, to discuss the challenges the public service industry faces in delivering services to meet the community’s needs.    L = Loan Kiss             ...

16 April 2015

How to make HR Metrics useful for business

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HR Daily interviewed Dr John Chan at Akolade's recent Business Driven HR Metrics event in Sydney. While many companies continue to struggle with understanding which metrics are useful for HR, the importance of the use of which metrics the rest of the organisation needs is often over looked.  To read the article to find out what Dr Chan believes needs to be considered to Make HR Metrics Useful click here. ...

08 April 2015

Why ambition isn't enough to bring about real change

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Over the Easter Long Weekend, while I was searching for something to use to procrastinate, and overcome the lure of vacuuming the floor I stumbled across this TEDxSF talk featuring Mel Robbins titled How to stop screwing yourself over,  While I must admit, it didn't motivate me to continue my adventures in vacuuming - very few things really do to be honest - it did motivate me to sit down and write a set of goals I've been meaning to achieve over the past few years.  What strategies do you utilise to overcome the dreaded 5 Second Rule? How to stop screwing yourself over TEDxSF Mel...

01 April 2015

How do successful leaders view employee engagement

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What does employee well being mean to Virgin Founder Sir Richard Branson? In a recent article on the Virgin Disruptors blog, Sir Richard Branson sat down to discuss employee well being, the effects of digital transformation on work/life balance and embracing the different needs of employees. Sir Richard Branson on employee engageme...