31 May 2018

EAs and PAs – same difference?

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People often ask what is the difference between a PA and an EA. If we consider a PA and an EA to have completely different functions, then we can perhaps distinguish them on the basis of the duties they perform – or perhaps, the emphasis of their duties. The primary job of a Personal assistant is to alleviate the individual or individuals they are supporting of their general organisational admin, so that their time can be dedicated to the more pressing demands of their own role. Mostly, this will include duties taking phone calls, organising and booking...

25 May 2018

Supply chain secrets unveiled – where Australia is currently positioned

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Wouldn’t it be a sweet world if you could predict the future and be spot on? Especially in a market where customer demands shift in the blink of an eye, new tech is constantly emerging and your entire operating model is under combat. Predictive analytics is on the horizon for the total supply chain and the after-sales service landscape in an industry projected to be worth more than $9 billion by 2020. Leveraging emerging tech and predictive, real-time analytics and digitising your supply chain to gain end to end and real-time visibility has been on the radar for a...

24 May 2018

Data and IoT: The revolutionary change that is taking the world by storm

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Data and the Internet of Things are transforming the way organisations are operated. But what is it exactly doing and where can we see this merge take us? This revolutionary change is essentially the stepping stone for bigger and better opportunities for organisations. More than 80% of businesses adopting Internet of Things and Big Data have already seen increase in their revenue.  The remarkable growth in the number of devices connected to IoT and the exponential increase in data generation means the future of Big Data will not be the same. Research indicates that the...

23 May 2018

How the budget impacts the NFP sector

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An in-depth look at how the 2018 federal budget affects the NFPs sector Following Treasurer Scott Morrison’s announcement of the federal 2018-19 budget at Parliament House on Tuesday, it has become clear that the budget left little to the Not-for-Profit sector. Whilst it appears that sectors, such as mental health and aged care, will benefit from the new budget, organisations in other sectors working for the greater good are now left to fill in some of the financial gaps. “A responsible budget would strengthen the revenue base so that the government can do its job, especially to provide...

18 May 2018

Is the future of contact centres an AI workforce?

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Despite recent industry cut backs including the loss of 100 jobs at Vodafone’s Hobart centre, experts remain positive about the ongoing need for human agents- though perhaps not as many. As more customers take to online channels to resolve their queries, call volumes are steadily declining across contact centres. However consumers are likely to call the centre directly when they face more complex queries. It’s arguable that the contact centre agent doesn’t face redundancy in the near future, however their role will evolve as calls become longer and a shift in the conversations...

17 May 2018

Four questions people ask every time you speak

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You step up to speak. You’ve got an important message to share. You need people to get this. You’ve spent days, maybe even weeks preparing for this. I could list a hundred thoughts that are likely running through your head as you walk onto the stage: - Don’t stuff this up - I hope this makes sense - I hope I’ve prepared enough - What if people laugh at me? - What’s my opening line? - How did I get roped into doing this? But have you ever wondered what’s going through the mind of your audience? What’s ticking around in their brain...

11 May 2018

My Health Record to be rolled out by the end of 2018

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Healthcare providers across Australia are preparing for the complete rollout of the My Health Record to every citizen by the end of this year- unless they have opted out. Over 5.5 million Australians, 20% of the population currently have a My Health Record with the goal of reaching 100% before 2019. The system is an integral component of the digital transformation which is revolutionising the healthcare sector, enabling busy departments to access real time information, reduce wait times and deliver a higher quality of care. According to ADHA, “hospital staff can use...

09 May 2018

Improving your soft skills as an executive assistant

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Executive assistants continue to be in high demand, especially those with strong technical and soft skills. But what exactly ARE soft skills? Your soft skills include your personality traits or character traits, your interpersonal skills and your social skills. They are intangible, less measurable, and not so easy to observe. However, you can detect soft skills in an individual by observing their behaviour, how well they interact with others, and their ability to effectively lead others. So, let’s have a moment of self-reflection. Do you have good people skills?  Do...

04 May 2018

Four steps to making your marketing content voice search-friendly

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It's been a big couple of years for voice search.  In May 2016, Sundar Pichai, Google's CEO, said they were already seeing one in five searches conducted by voice (how many searches you do in a day?), smart speakers officially had their hockey stick moment with more than 25 million sold in 2017 (basically, everyone in Australia, and a few of our pets, has a smart speaker), big brands teamed up to integrate voice search into their customer experience (Walmart and Google are 'changing the way we shop'), and myriad agencies launched - Versa...