31 May 2016

How to use social media to make yourself more employable

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Social media is often regarded as the downfall of this generation. We spend our dinner dates on our phones, stalk our ex-partners, share inappropriate photos of ourselves in varying states of intoxication and often declare loathing for our jobs- which sometimes results in losing said jobs. If used correctly, social media can be used to help, rather than hinder, your employability. Here are some of the ways social media can make you more attractive to potential employers: Portray the right image Social media equips you with the tools to maintain your professional identity as well...

30 May 2016

Fit For the Future: Can the Government really amalgamate a sense of community?

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Tooykrub / Shutterstock.com Released in October 2015, IPART’s review in to the Fit For Future initiative called for the amalgamation of 87 local council areas across New South Wales. The initial amalgamation idea was met with derision at a local council level, with claims that to do so would; make the areas unable to be effectively managed, cost local jobs and increase local council rates. The Baird Government has disputed these claims however, announcing a series of benefits to the new councils including: Funding of up to $15 million for each new council to invest in community...

27 May 2016

The Facts on Australia's Ageing Workforce

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According to the Intergenerational report, the number of Australians aged 65 and over is projected to more than double by 2055 compared with today. In 2055, there are projected to be around 40,000 people aged 100 and over, well over three hundred times the 122 Australian centenarians in 1975. Here is a graph of the number of working age people (15-64) for each person aged 65+ in 1950, 2011 and 2050: (Image referenced from Steve Beales, Imperial College London) 2015 data from Worksafe Victoria has revealed that injury claims amongst over 55 years employees are on the rise. With...

26 May 2016

Hospital hacking poses serious health risks to patients

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Putting the power of technology in the palm of your hand with mobile medical devices is the way of the future. Hospitals are turning to technology for the diagnosis and treatment of patients but with more of this high tech gear being introduced into the field, this also opens the doors for hackers. The vulnerability is more serious than stealing patients’ information. According to research conducted by Washington Post has highlighted the dangers of hackers digitally manipulating devices. Last year, 2 researchers from a cyber-security firm called Qualys discovered digital weaknesses...

25 May 2016

Selling your sole for a foot in the door

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A manager of chain restaurant Joey has unwittingly become the object of wrath of every woman on the planet. Nicola Gavins, from Alberta, Canada, uploaded an image to Facebook of her friend’s feet after her waitressing shift at Joey- a chain restaurant. The image is enough to make women cringe worldwide. Her pop-socks stained red with blood, the waitress stands next to the culprits- a pair of pointed-toe black Karl Lagerfeld high heels. Nicola claimed her friend was “bleeding to the point she lost a toe nail.” Blanch.  “She was still discouraged and berated by the shift manager...

24 May 2016

A world of knowledge – a sea of learning opportunities

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We are all different. We all have different ideas, goals and preferences. And we learn differently. An effective learning method for some might be an obstacle for another. Instead of making students adapt to a certain school system, schools should encourage and adapt to the diversities and all that potential that is growing within those four walls. Unfortunately adapting to students different needs is still an issue in Australia. Not surprisingly, and for several reasons that fall outside of what schools themselves can do, Indigenous students are some of the most disadvantaged students...

23 May 2016

Hot off the press: Government funding for AMS

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The 2016 Federal Budget has unveiled some great news for healthcare practitioners, promising a $9.4 million investment in response to the growing threat of superbugs. Superbugs, more formally known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occur when organisms undergoing antibiotic treatment are able fight back against the antibiotic, rendering them ineffective.   AMR has worsened over time largely due to the overuse and misuse of antibiotics. Interestingly enough, Australia has one of the highest rates of antibiotic use in the OECD region; whilst a whopping one third of prescriptions...

20 May 2016

Facebook Depression – it’s not a myth

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Whilst people are engulfed in other people’s daily activities, it is inevitable that they start comparing someone else’s lives to their own. We have all been told before not to trust everything you see or read about on the Internet, but has anyone told you not to believe that everyone’s lives are happy and fun, except yours? Facebook depression is when someone sees a new update from a friend on their Facebook account such as a status update, wall post, photos and videos, which make them feel unpopular. A study from the University of Houston found that people who use Facebook...

19 May 2016

Are interns worth hiring?

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In recent years, the number of students looking for internships has skyrocketed. As finding a job fresh out of University is much more challenging and employers are hesitant to hire someone without any experience, internships are the relief. Though we know that internships are beneficial for the student, are they actually beneficial for your business? Hiring interns do have positives and negatives, but if you find the right one, they can be very valuable for your organisation. Interns can challenge ‘the way we’ve always done it.’ As students, they bring new ideas and can potentially...

18 May 2016

Netflix killed the television star!

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Netflix now totals 81 million subscribers who stream around 10 billion hours per month.  With the advantages that online services offer over traditional TV, the numbers aren’t surprising. Rather than waiting out a tedious week between episodes, Netflix puts entire seasons at your fingertips. Don’t try to tell me you haven’t binge-watched your favourite series, I know you’re lying. While Channels 7, 9 and 10 are battling it out for the top spot in primetime, Netflix doesn’t have to worry about securing their time between 8 and 11pm. “Above the fray, Netflix doesn’t need to worry...