30 September 2016

How to effectively manage social media risks to your business

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rvlsoft / Shutterstock.com In the pre-internet age, it was unusual for a person's out of work behaviour to be noticed at work. Social media has made it easier for employers to find records of their employees’ extracurricular activities. It has also made it easier for employer’s reputations to be damaged by employee’s online activities. According to Complispace ebook’s figures show that every minute of every day 100,000 tweets are sent, 684,478 pieces of content are shared on Facebook, 48 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube and 3 600 photos are shared on Instagram. In November 2015,...

28 September 2016

Why we need more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working in health care

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Since the 1980s, the health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia has drastically declined. While this health crisis has been known of for quite some time, not enough is being done to improve the situation. Some statistics show that: Life expectancy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are about 10 years less than non-Indigenous Babies born to Indigenous women are almost twice as likely to die within their first year of life Cancer is the second biggest death reason among Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander people, and the rate is 1.3 times...

27 September 2016

Talk to me: the volume of body language

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Actions speak louder than words and the people around you are screaming- just not with their voices. A study has shown that only 45% of your message is communicated through your words, the rest is through body language. By learning to read the body language of those around you, you can listen to what they’re really saying and gain the edge in your next meeting or interview. Here are some important signals to look out for: Open palms When a gun is pointed at us, we raise our arms with our hands open to show that we are unarmed and, therefore, not a threat (though hopefully...

26 September 2016

Growth in VET Training for non-trade occupations.

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Recently released data published by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) revealed a 4.6 per cent increase in the number of Australians commencing training in non-trade professions from the previous years data. " This result indicates people continue to get the benefit of learning on-the-job as an apprentice or trainee," Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, the Hon Karen Andrews MP said. "The Government is concerned, however, with the same data also revealing a drop in the number of people starting an apprenticeship." NCVER figures show overall...

23 September 2016

Improving dementia support through program redesign

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In January 2016 the Australian Government announced the next phase in a new national approach to programmes and services supporting people with dementia and their carers. Minister for Aged Care, the Hon. Sussan Ley MP announced the restructure, following findings from the 2015 Analysis of Dementia Programmes report. “What I want to see is a nationally streamlined approach to the design, development and outcomes from dementia programmes and services,” the Minister said at the time. “This will produce better services for people with dementia, carers and also providers, each of whom need...

22 September 2016

Government aims at welfare to break the cycle of generational welfare dependency.

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Aiming to revolutionise the way the Federal Government invests money in the welfare system the Government yesterday announced a new data driven approach to focus on improving the individual lives trapped in the generational welfare cycle. During a speech at the National Press Club, Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Christian Porter MP said for the first time the government has evidence of exactly what was happening to people in the welfare system, down to very small groups of people . “For the first time in history through the Australian Priority Investment Approach to Welfare,...

21 September 2016

Being valued – perspective from the person on the bottom

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“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” —Anne M. Mulcahy Who doesn’t like to feel valued, whether as a friend, a family member or as an employee? I joined the company as a fresh graduate with little to no experience. A constant battle I have with myself is to find my worth within the company. Who am I to make suggestions? What can I offer to the company that no other can? From speaking...

20 September 2016

Are you working for a psychopath?

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We’ve all had the boss we ‘joked’ about being a psychopath but new research shows we were probably right.  The study revealed corporate leaders had similar rates of psychopathic traits to the prison population- up to 21 per cent. While they make up the minority, their natures can wreak havoc on the organisation for which they are working and, as their employee, your mental wellbeing. If your boss exhibits any of the traits below, start running. The fear factor A psychopath will motivate you through fear, rather than reward or respect. A normal boss seeks to improve...

19 September 2016

How technology helps shape supply chain management

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The technological revolution has impacted the way we do business in immeasurable ways, and supply chain is no exception. Advances in technology and systems create opportunities to increase efficiency, speed and accuracy in supply chain management. IT systems, digital and cloud technology and even augmented reality are making their mark and helping drive supply chain management forward. Here are some examples of how technology helps shape the supply chain of the future. The impact of cloud technology and data on improving supply chain efficiency According to Supply and Demand Chain...

15 September 2016

How resilient people bounce back from disappointment or setbacks

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When we give in to negative emotions, with actions like disappointment or feeling deflated or defeated, over the course of time they become entrenched and they shape the way we see the world. Fortunately, it is not only negative emotions which when repeated become entrenched, in fact positive emotions can become just as entrenched. So the challenge is can we make optimistic thinking and experience a habit in our lives? The challenge is to change the way we talk to ourselves in at least 3 ways. Firstly, focus on the benefits in any situation. Secondly, seek the valuable lessons rather...

14 September 2016

The future of Australian cities and towns lies in open data

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At its most basic, open data refers to our ability to access and reuse information from our government as freely as possible. It’s a concept long grounded in our public records and freedom of information laws. However, the term itself is only has only become known within the last 6 years or so. In that time, we have seen explosive load of buzzwords like big data and high value data but very little open data. In addition, as millions of dollars are poured into government IT budgets, the barriers to data access are not just technical, they’re cultural. Although much of our political activism...

13 September 2016

The AEA: Assertive Executive Assistant

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The beep of your alarm wakes you at 6am- seemingly 5 minutes after you shut your eyes. You thumb through your emails on your phone as you down some muesli and coffee which will see you through to lunch (which you will eat at your desk). The day is a flurry of emails, memos, meetings and phone calls. The requests come in tidal waves; “Can we reschedule our meeting even though it’s meant to be in 5 minutes?”, “Could you just rustle up an overview of this 30 page document? I don’t have time”, “Another EA is away for today, you’ll have to cover for her.” The questions are never ‘where...

12 September 2016

Why online services need to prioritise cybersecurity and customer experience

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As more and more of our everyday services and activities move online, cybersecurity becomes an increasingly important consideration. It’s quite daunting to think about the amount of sensitive data we enter into online forms and systems. As we bank, shop and fill out the Census online, we regularly input everything from birthdates, credit card information and valuable passwords. This isn’t just the way of the future; it’s the way of the present. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is rolling out its “Digital by Default” approach, making online services the first stop for all their...

09 September 2016

How to use data for evidence decision making

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Australian companies are trying to focus on extracting the financial value from the customer they generally collect in the course of their operations. Big data analysis or the mining of extremely large datasets to identify trends and patterns is fast becoming business practice. Global infrastructure technologies has also matured to an extent, the reliability, speed and security are all typically robust enough to support the seamless flow of massive volumes of data. What are the strategies that allow companies to navigate this rapidly changing landscape and succeed at the business of data? Companies...