30 August 2017

Deskercise- Improve focus, productivity and wellbeing

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We office professionals often spend our days tethered to our desks with little more exercise than an hourly stroll to the kitchen to refill your coffee cup. Couple this with the mindless snacking we tend to do even when not hungry and you have a recipe for weight gain, higher blood pressure and poor circulation.  Don’t fall into the inactive rut- you can keep your health in check while sitting at your desk. Greatist has a fantastic list of deskercises but here are a few of my favourites which you can do without anyone knowing. 1.       The Seated Leg...

24 August 2017

The NDIS Rollout – where are we now?

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The National Disability Insurance Scheme means big change in the way people with a disability are cared for in Australia. It’s a critical time for disability service providers, who must be ready to adapt their service delivery models to accommodate and overcome new pressures. As the scheme transitions to full roll-out across Australia, strategic business planning is more essential than ever and sustainability must be assessed. However, as with any major large-scale reform like the NDIS, the scheme has had its successes and shortfalls. Social Services Minister Christian Porter...

22 August 2017

Tech Companies Use Workforce Management Rostering – Does Yours?

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How do you handle your schedules? If you still use pen and paper, you’re behind the times. Which, in the fast-moving tech industry, is a critical mistake. There are modern solutions available that can handle your scheduling. These solutions are already being used by millions of companies across the globe. But, with the economic growth that we’re seeing, especially in the tech sector, it’s important for businesses to start thinking about their scheduling. Just look at some of the largest tech companies. Microsoft, Google, and Apple all use their own innovative solutions for managing their...

18 August 2017

D-Day for GovDC- are we there yet?

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It’s August 2017- the deadline NSW Government set for its data consolidation project, which began in 2013. Metronode, the data centre operator for the GovDC data centres at Silverwater and Unanderra, detailed its plans to expand the facilities earlier this year. “The aim of the program is to reduce the environmental footprint of government ICT, deliver savings in a number of areas, boost technical and operational standards and deliver greater resilience,” as summarised on Computerworld. Worth more than $130 million, the key benefits of the data centres according to GovDC will be:  ...

15 August 2017

Recruiting the right educators- it’s not child’s play

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Australia’s early education and child care industry is booming, driven by factors such as the movement of women back to the workplace after giving birth. The opportunity, this has presented to child care services did not go unnoticed. ABC Development Learning Centres buckling in 2008 opened the market for new providers. In 2010 there were around 5900 long day care centres nationally. There are now well over 6800, according to the Melbourne City Institute of Education. However, providing quality early education services is not playing around, as many centres are discovering. On...

11 August 2017

Tackling the staff shortage in aged care

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--> Looking after older generations should be priority. They are the ones who’ve served the country, raised the younger generations. According to the 2016 census, Australia’s population is getting older and living longer. As a result, the Productivity Commission estimates that the aged care workforce will need to have grown to around 980,000 workers by 2050. Sadly, working in aged care is seldom a lucrative job and companies in the sector often lack adequate staff.  Not only is it difficult to attract staff into the sector, but...

07 August 2017

Pushing IIoT predictive maintenance forward: two challenges to overcome

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There’s no doubt the Internet of Things (IoT) is moving quickly to the front lines of industrial maintenance reliability and asset management. Communication between machines and human technicians, enabled by wireless technology and connected devices, is fueling a shift from preventative to predictive maintenance. But while the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) groundwork has been laid, and it’s projected to be a $151 billion market by 2020, the revolution is still young. Gartner’s special report, “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies,” points out that all new trends...