29 March 2018

Why being a conference’s last speaker is a compliment and opportunity

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Many people would shudder seeing their name last on the programme, closely followed by ‘end of conference’. The closing session of the conference agenda is no one’s preferred speaking slot but the last speaker is given an opportunity not afforded to the other presenters. In fact, the last speaker has the potential to be the most memorable and leave the greatest impact. “I know I’m standing between you and networking drinks so I’ll keep this short,” is a well-worn line we become used to hearing as producers (I’m even guilty of having used it myself on occasion). What we don’t...

23 March 2018

Why content is king

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You've probably heard the saying "content is king" but exactly how royal it is, is usually overlooked.  Let's put this in context.  You’re lounging around one night, engrossed in the latest episode of your favourite TV series (think MKR or MAFS), and of course, the show breaks for the ads. Usually you'd whip out your phone and distract yourself with what's happening on Facebook (marketing people call this "double screening") but some ad catches your eye. Not because it's funny, but because it's a little weird.  The screen goes completely black and all you hear is...

16 March 2018

Post show release: 5th Retail Fulfilment Summit

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During the three days of the 5th Retail Fulfilment Summit which kicked of Australia’s inaugural Retail Week, more than 700 retailers from across Australia and New Zealand came together to be inspired by the 60+ pioneering speakers, who shared their stories on how to transform 360° fulfilment in the on demand era. Opened by The Hon. Ben Carroll MP Minister for Industry and Employment, day 1 was focused on c-suite leadership and covered critical strategic issues facing retailers today such as cross boarder expansion, the Asian opportunity and leading the workforce of the future....

14 March 2018

Leaders gather to improve the wellbeing of Australia’s Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people

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People from across Australia’s health organisations, government bodies and Aboriginal communities gathered for the 2nd National Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing Forum in Perth on the 21-23 of February. During the three-day conference, over 35 community leaders shared their stories on the growing problem of mental health issues amongst Australia’s Indigenous population, and they shared their case studies on how these challenges can be tackled. Ngaree Ah Kit, Assistant Minister for Suicide Prevention, Mental Health and Disabilities and Assistant Minister for Seniors...

02 March 2018

The changing face of retirement living

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As the population ages and Australia’s baby-boomers reach retirement, the demand for affordable retirement living options is higher than ever. Retirement villages are specifically designed to meet the accommodation, social and recreational needs of over 55s – for many, they offer the perfect solution for a restful and enjoyable senior lifestyle, boasting state-of-the-art facilities, inviting communities and *seemingly* affordable pricing plans. However, as part of its four-point plan to improve retirement village living, the NSW Government commissioned an...