17 August 2018

Actioning a decision you don’t agree with

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Whether you’re an executive assistant or a middle manager, one of the greatest frustrations is carrying out decisions that conflict directly with your opinions- perhaps even morals.  You will likely find yourself performing the task and muttering bitterly to yourself, as well as those around you, that you’re not happy but you have to do it. Your attitude is passed on to the people around you and quickly creates an environment of resentment. But you care about the future of your company. Your job, after all, is to help the organisation succeed which undermining...

15 August 2018

Community engagement key to educational success

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Overall the education targets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Children are not on track, according to the 2018 Closing the Gap report. Neither attendance rates nor literacy and numeracy skills are on track, with school attendance rates appearing to have stagnated and have even gone backwards in the NT from 70.2 per cent in 2014 to 66.2 per cent in 2017. Whilst the gap in literacy and numeracy skills has narrowed, only Year 9 numeracy is on track across all states and territories. Despite the negative statistics, some schools are seeing some amazing...

14 August 2018

Maintaining ongoing cyber security within government organisations

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Sometimes, the biggest misconceptions with cyber security are to associate products and services with an ideal cyber security strategy and create a bulletproof level of confidence.  However, most of Australia's ASX 20 organisations including the top four banking institutes, financial services, capital markets and of course the government sector couldn't be further from the truth. Let’s take a look back over the last couple of years and months - recent hacks have compromised some real sensitive details such as payroll information, user personality tests,...

09 August 2018

Measuring the levels of data maturity to capitalise on data accuracy – THE ICONIC

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As we head into a world where organisations are becoming more and more dependent on data and analytics, the Head of Analytics and Data Science from The ICONIC divulges into where the industry is going and key steps to transform into a data-driven organisation. Kshira Saagar: At a very high level, there are two big challenges for a Data and Analytics team at any organisation: Credibility Time to insight. Credibility refers to the aspect of the end user’s willingness to believe, agree and action on the top of our data-driven insights - and to get any...

03 August 2018

It’s Show Time! - WA’s New Cyber Security Initiatives

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With Western Australia having launched the Office of Digital Government under the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the importance of driving the public sector’s digital capability have never been greater. WA’s McGowan Government is now investing more than $500,000 into the creation of a dedicated cybersecurity team to improve public sector cyber security. To put it simply, WA is driving digital and cyber security transformation. They promised a better approach to cyber security and that’s exactly what they are doing. In summary, the McGowan Government’s approach to cybersecurity...