29 October 2018

The Revolution in Aged Care has begun

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  The Productivity Commission forecasts that the number of people accessing aged care services in Australia will jump from 1 million to 3.5 million by 2040. But the numbers are not telling the full story. The profile of aged care consumers has to be taken into account too.  In 2040 the bulk of baby boomers will pass age 85 years, and will have different expectations from service providers.  They will have lived an affluent life and will bring their highly consumerist values and demands into the aged care space. Providers will have to rise to new levels...

12 October 2018

What is Digitisation Anyway?

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Digitisation means different things to every organisation. I’ve just returned from an Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) mission to Tuvalu to undertake an ICT capability assessment for the Tuvalu Parliament. Tuvalu is a small and isolated pacific nation, which is travel brochure beautiful and full of wonderful people. Tuvalu has little in the way of natural resources, and is heavily dependent on imports and international aid. Getting a computer working after something goes wrong is challenging in its own right. To the Tuvalu Parliament, just being able to store parliamentary documents...

09 October 2018

How can a Virtual Assistant help you?

Author :
“Oh my god, this person’s Executive Assistant is a robot!” A colleague of mine looked incredulously at an email she had received, signed off with the job title ‘Virtual Assistant’. How many of you would have had the same reaction? We know the Executive or Personal Assistant is dynamic and has evolved drastically over the past few decades. The ability to remember a coffee order and answer phone calls is no longer what defines an exceptional EA. Rather it is now their ability to navigate complex public relations situations, liaise with business leaders and collaborate...