28 August 2015

Preparing your company for a cyber-incident

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  Data and information security is a high priority for many companies around the globe in this era of digital revolution. The risk, threats and vulnerabilities are also evolving as companies adopt emerging digital technologies. The growing popularity of cloud, mobile technology and apps present new challenges for IT and risk staff in an organisation. These could range from ensuring secure access to the corporate network to protecting data. Employee training and education is paramount in staying cyber secure for many companies. Floyd Woodrow, CEO, Chrysalis-Worldwide said that...

26 August 2015

Why online learning was right for me…

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  Last week Theo Teeder from Chisholm Online was featured on the blog asking: What does an online learning world look like for you? This month marks one year since I began studying in a completely online setting through Deakin University and Theo’s blog has got me to reflecting as to why I chose online study. When deciding to return to tertiary studies, many professional are plagued by the same question: Do I have time for this? The adoption of technology by the education sector has made balancing a full-time career with achieving a tertiary qualification possible. By placing...

24 August 2015

9 Ways to be social media-genuine

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  It’s a given that the vast majority of public sector organisations, not-for-profits and corporate businesses are now present on social media with one of the major – if not sole – purpose of engaging with their public. This does not mean that it’s always easy to converse with your public in the casual, chatty tone that social media interactions normally call for.   Make your audience want to continue clicking on your links by following these 9 tips to humanise your social media strategy and discover the happy medium between deafening silence and cacophony of carnival...

21 August 2015

Guest blog by Wendy Perry: 11 tough questions to ask your RTO

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  With a number of RTO Strategic Reviews completed around Australia, there are key questions that Registered Training Organisation (RTO) CEO’s, owners, board and team members need to be asked.  Responding to questions like these requires a level of trust, honesty, openness and a positive attitude. 1.     Why do you exist? Starting with understanding the RTO’s background, when it was established, with what purpose in mind and the history to date gives a good sense of what it has been like. 2.     Who are you? Some...

19 August 2015

Guest Blog by Stephen Moore: Workforce Resourcing is not Workforce Planning!

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After more than a decade working with HR leaders in developing their Workforce Planning capability and know-how, I’ve witnessed the many benefits that can be achieved by expanding the definition of workforce planning from a strictly resourcing based focus to one adopting a more universal approach.  As illustrated in the following diagram, Strategic Workforce Planning actually comprises three key elements that must all be effectively integrated via a systematic process in order achieve the best possible results  throughout an organisation. ...