29 January 2016

Tips for improving your email marketing campaign click-through rates

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In a recent survey by Marketing Charts, over 30% of email marketers’ top focus for 2016 is to increase subscribers’ engagement rate, followed by improving segmentation and targeting. Click rates generally tells the marketing team how the useful their content is. Decreasing click through rates is an increasing problem for the success of email marketing campaigns. In a survey of 303 email marketers, over 53% of the people have indicated that low click-through rates has been their biggest obstacle, followed by the lack of an effective strategy. Research shows that mobile devices...

How to manage the need for outpatient services

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Tens of millions of occurrences of outpatient care take place every year in Australia however outpatient services continue to be viewed as the ‘poor cousin’ of their inpatient counterparts. A number of factors in acute health care have been pushing additional demand onto outpatient services, including the National Emergency Access Target (NEAT), National Elective Surgery Target (NEST) and of course the growing need to reduce health care expenditure. With the cost of a hospital admission priced at well into the thousands, it is very clear why health services are relying more and more...

28 January 2016

Behavioural economics and its application in driving consumer reaction

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“Behavioural Economics: a method of economic analysis that applies psychological insights into human behaviour to explain economic decision-making.” The use of behavioural economics to drive better policy engagement is a relatively new field, ripe for exploration. By gaining an understanding of the power subtle changes can have and the impact they have on consumer behaviour, governments across Australia can better sell their economic policy messages, creating buy-in and community support. Behavioural economics is the application of psychological insights into how human’s behave...

27 January 2016

How to avoid identity theft: 6 tips to reduce your risk while shopping online

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The local shopping centre is not open 24 hours a day. It doesn’t allow you to compare prices from all over the world and it certainly doesn’t save petrol and hassle by coming to you and that’s the appeal of online shopping. But there’s a price to pay for all that added convenience: RISK. Online retailers frequently require you to enter your personal information like home address, phone number and your credit card details in order to shop with them. This immediately makes you vulnerable to identity theft so it’s important to be cautious when ordering online. According to a survey conducted...

26 January 2016

Humans in a Tech Era – are we really working smarter?

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We’re in 2016 - a fast-paced, constantly achieving era where technology is central to everything we do – from our interactions to work processes, from our hobbies to how we plan next week’s agenda. Much is automated and everything is measured. Our core human interactions are quickly being inundated by the whirlwind of emails, likes, texts and data that consume our days, simply because of the functions that allow instant interaction.  Translate this to our 21st century workplace, and you would think we would have a relaxed, 3-day work week with much of our work tasks completed with...

25 January 2016

Australian university students well placed for a global career.

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Senator, the Hon Richard Colbeck, Minister for Tourism and International Education and Minister Assisting the Minister for Trade and Investment congratulated Australia’s universities for their high rankings with international raking agency, Times Higher Education. “I congratulate our universities on these rankings, particularly the Australian National University which was the highest ranked at 25th place,” Senator Colbeck said. Times Higher Education rankings placed 24 Australian Universities in the top 200 most internationalised universities in the world and 16 in the top 100, making...

22 January 2016

Top three tips on Not-For-Profit mergers

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Did you know NFPs now employ over 8% of the total Australian workforce? According to the 2015 NFP Governance and Performance Study by the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ the NFP sector now employs over one million people. The study, which surveys senior leaders to determine NFP priorities annually, has outlined the top three priorities for the next year as: ·         Maintaining or building income ·         Clarifying strategic direction ·         Diversifying...

21 January 2016

Aged Care in 2015 - A quick look back on the year that was

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The aged care sector has seen important changes taking place in the last few years. There have been program updates and changes to the sector, with reforms in machinery of government and policy shaking up ‘business as usual’ in the sector. The Australian Ageing Agenda recently published a post on the highs and lows of the aged care sector in 2015, gathering thoughts from various leaders in the sector. We take a look at some of these thoughts on key milestones in 2015 and what worked well: Choice and control measures in the 2015 budget. From February 2017, funding from the government...

20 January 2016

Death by procrastination

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We are now well and truly in the year 2016. How have your New Year resolutions been going? For me, I am starting to feel the guilt as I think about the gym sessions, eating habits and excercising the dog promises that I swore would (finally) happen in 2016. I’m sure I can’t be the only one guilty of procrastinating. Research shows that 20 percent of us are chronic procrastinators. Psychologist Sharon Draper discusses that chronic procrastinators constantly avoid difficult tasks by looking for distractions. With the availability of the many social media channels in today’s world,...

19 January 2016

The role of an executive assistant is multifaceted.

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As an executive assistant, you need numerous skills to support the grinding demands of your boss, ranging from time management, problem-solving, to effective multimedia skills. Within the public sector, an executive assistant’s role constantly evolves and they often have to effectively deal with ‘change’ – whether it be a change of their manager, responsibilities, role or work environment. “The schedulers, gatekeepers and caretakers of the corporate world are rarely seen, but they have a profound effect on the daily lives of the executives they serve,” The Wall Street Journal...

18 January 2016

Changing community expectations surrounding workplace sexual harassment

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Sexual harassment in Australia’s workplaces continues to be a major headache for both staff and HR managers alike. A 2014 report from the United Nations stated that Australia has one of the highest rates of reported sexual assault in the world at a rate of 92 people out of 1,000 of the population estimated to have reported sexual assault. Recent allegations against NSW Labour general secretary Jamie Clements has again brought workplace sexual harassment into the headlines. The application for an AVO by former NSW Labor staffer Stephanie Jones alleged Mr Clement pushed her against...

15 January 2016

Top 3 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2016

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And before you can say “Goodbye 2015”, 2016 is already upon us. As organisations plan their strategies for the coming year and take stock of efforts in years past, one common theme runs through the psyche of all businesses: the evolving world of marketing, and how social media has become a key focus in this mix. Social media continues to evolve and innovate at a reckless rate – every second day there is a new add-on or function that takes online interaction to a whole new level. Given this changing landscape and the prevalence of social media in this decade’s marketing activities, we...